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Send warm wishes to your family and friends on Shavuot!
Shavu'ot, the Festival of Weeks, is the second of the three major festivals with both...
A beautiful floral card for your friends and family.
Send this cute ecard to wish your near and dear ones on this Shavuot.
Shavuot is the day on which we mark the Revelation on Mount Sinai and the giving of...
Wish your loved ones happiness and prosperity.
Send this lovely ecard to all your family/ friends/ loved ones.
Wish all your loved ones heartfully with this beautiful Shavuot ecard.
Join Naomi Less for a rockin trip through the Ten Commandments. We've brought the...
A lovely ecard to make your loved ones smile.
Send good wishes to all your dear ones.
Wish your friends/ loved ones/ acquaintances/ associates with the traditional torah.
Send Shavuot wishes to your dear ones and wish them a happy season ahead.
Wish your loved one a joyous Shavuot!
Send Shavuot wishes to friends and loved ones.
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