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Send this warm and sweet wish to a friend or a loved one on Smile Power Day.
A cute ecard on 'Smile Power Day'.
For the one who makes your day filled with joy.
Send this funny ecard to put a smile on face of your loved ones.
Brighten up a friend's or a loved one's day with this ecard.
Wish a day full of fun and happiness.
Make everyone smile with this fun ecard on smile power day!
A warm message for the one who has made your life beautiful.
Make someone happy by sending this bouquet of smiles.
Sorria... sempre! :D
Send smiles & best wishes to your loved ones on smile power day!
Bring a smile on the faces of your loved ones!
For the one who makes your day bright and sunny.
Click a smile on the face of your friend/ loved one with this cute e-card.
A cute puppy card to send your smile!
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