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A heartfelt message for the one whom you hold close to the heart.
Send happiness with this ecard.
Express your love with this ecard.
An ecard for all those you always want to be happy.
Reach out to your friends/ family/ loved ones with this cute ecard.
A warm cheer up message for your near and dear ones.
A cute message for your friends/ loved ones.
Wish them all a great day today, with this ecard.
Send this warm wish to a loved one whom you want to see always happy.
Keep your friend/ loved one guessing.
On I Want You to be Happy Day, send this cheerful wish to a friend or a loved one.
Make your sweetheart feel happy with this warm wish.
A happy wish for a friend or a loved one.
An ecard for all those friends who make you happy.
Wish your friend/ family/ loved one a whole lot of happiness.
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