As the sun rises this Easter morning, celebrate the risen Lord and the light He brings.
Warm wishes for a wonderful Easter!
Wish your loved ones a blessed and happy Easter with this ecard.
Easter basket full of wishes & blessings for your family, friends, near & dear...
Hugs for a wonderful Easter.
Wishes for a bright and cheerful Easter!
Paint a thank you wish on an Easter egg and send it to the one who made your Easter...
Easter wish for the mature.
A rocking Easter wish for your loved ones.
A bright wish to share the joy of Easter time with your friends and family.
An Easter wish that wishes for new joys and promises.
Say thank you to a dear one and wish him/ her a Happy Easter with this warm and cute...
A bright and cute Happy Easter wish for everyone you know.
Thank the one who wished you.
Wish a happy Easter to your loved ones with this rocking ecard.
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