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Remind all family/ friends/ loved ones to spring forward their clocks.
Wish a great spring as Daylight Saving Time Begins.
As Daylight Saving Time Begins, wish a sunny spring to friends and loved ones.
Get passionate with your sweetheart with this ecard.
A beautiful ecard for all your near and dear ones.
Send your wishes for a happy springtime ahead, as Daylight Saving Time Begins.
A fun ecard to wish your friends/ loved ones on the event of daylight saving.
Ask them to spring forward.
A cute ecard to remind all you know to set their clocks forward.
Wish someone a bright spring.
A warm e-wish for all your family/ friends/ loved ones.
Ahhh, sunshine is back!
A lovely flower card to spring forward!
A cute ecard for friends, family and loved ones.
Wish your family/ friends/ sweetheart extra fun with this cute ecard.
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