Rated: 4.60 | Views: 1,812 | Sent: 571
Hey, it's Banana Cream Pie Day! The perfect time to pamper your taste buds and share them with your near and dear ones. Send cute and cool ecards from our site to your friends/ family/ loved ones and wish them a great treat today.
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Rated: 4.10 | Views: 5,488K | Sent: 1,345K
Ramadan (Feb 28 - Mar 30)
Ramadan, the holy month of fasting from dawn to dusk, celebrates the divine revelation of the Koran to Prophet Muhammad. Send our warm and beautiful Ramadan ecards to spread the spirit of this blessed occasion among your friends, family and loved ones. Greet them with these heartfelt wishes and wish them Allah's blessings in this month of Ramadan and always.
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Rated: 4.85 | Views: 2,454 | Sent: 867
It's Chocolate Chip Cookie Week. Enjoy a cookie crunch with a friend and share some fun today! Grab this chance to strengthen the bonds of love and friendship by sharing all those yummy cookies with your dear ones. Send our ecards to all you know and add to the flavor of their cookie as well.
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Rated: 4.30 | Views: 559,243 | Sent: 173,168
Hey, it's I Want You to be Happy Day! Reach out to your friends/ family/ loved ones and click smiles on their faces. Send cute and warm ecards from our site to wish them lots of happiness and tell them you care.
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Rated: 4.12 | Views: 6,199 | Sent: 1,028
National Anthem Day is celebrated in honor of the American National Anthem. Celebrate the day with your family and friends and send them your wishes with these beautiful ecards.
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Rated: 4.17 | Views: 145,894 | Sent: 32,202
Hey, it's Mardi Gras... Time to get into the festive spirit. Enjoy the king cakes, attend masked balls, parades and wild parties. Send cute and colorful ecards from our site to share the spirit of the carnival with your friends/ family/ loved ones.
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Rated: 4.42 | Views: 18,740 | Sent: 3,147
Hey, it's Say Hi to Mom Day! So give your Mom a great big hug to make her feel special. Get in touch with her if she is far away. Send warm and cute ecards from our site to your Mom to show how much you care.
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Rated: 4.22 | Views: 110,657 | Sent: 30,458
Pamper yourself with heaps and loads of rich and creamy fun, it's Chocolate Cheesecake Day! Share the yummy delight with your friends/ colleagues/ family/ beloved and send them tempting wishes through our sweet ecards.
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Rated: 3.98 | Views: 9,090 | Sent: 1,025
Your dentist helps you to keep your teeth healthy and sparkling. On Dentists' day, thank your dentist for his/ her help and send your warm wishes with these fun ecards. But hey! Don't forget to reach out to all those wonderful people who bring a smile on your face. Express yourself with our ecards.
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Rated: 4.78 | Views: 813 | Sent: 201
Pamper yourself with heaps and loads of rich and creamy fun, it's White Chocolate Cheesecake Day! Share the yummy delight with your friends/ colleagues/ family/ beloved and send them tempting wishes through our sweet ecards.
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Rated: 4.28 | Views: 65,670 | Sent: 19,300
Employee Appreciation Day is observed as a day of appreciating employees and encouraging them to keep up the good work. Celebrate the day with your team and send them your warm wishes with these fun ecards.
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Rated: 4.32 | Views: 35,994 | Sent: 5,873
Hey, it's the World Day of Prayer! Let's pray for all the communities in the world, sympathize with the problems of other countries and cultures and pray with and for them.
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Rated: 4.10 | Views: 4,905K | Sent: 1,243K
It's almost always that women have the strongest yet quietest influence on us. Through different roles they so ably perform, as mom, teacher, wife, grandma, friend or sister, they are always there with a smile, support or strength. Reach out to all the special women that you know with our warm ecards on International Women's Day.
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Rated: 4.17 | Views: 186,110 | Sent: 47,661
Hey, Daylight Saving Time Begins today! So spring forward your clocks and enjoy an extra hour of Sun. Send cute and warm ecards from our site to friends/ family/ loved ones to remind them to set their clocks ahead and have a whole lot of fun.
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Rated: 4.33 | Views: 1,293 | Sent: 448
Hey, it's Blueberry Popover Day... The perfect time to enjoy the delicious treat, the blueberry popover, which is enjoyed and loved by many. Send sweet and cute ecards from our site to friends/ family/ loved ones to wish them lots of sweet surprises today.
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Rated: 4.45 | Views: 181,187 | Sent: 47,930
It's Dream Day! So catch a snooze whenever you want and lose yourself in the dream world or stay awake and let your imagination go wild! Send cute and warm ecards from our site to wish your friends/ family/ loved ones a dreamy day.
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Rated: 4.29 | Views: 2,942 | Sent: 709
Hey, it's Plant a Flower Day... Time to plant some flowers as they bring us joy and for every mood there is a flower. Send cute and cool floral ecards from our site to your friends/ family/ loved ones and wish them a great day.
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Rated: 4.26 | Views: 630 | Sent: 147
It's Girl Scout Day! Time to remember Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low who first organized the meeting in Savannah, Georgia. Send our inspirational ecards in order to appreciate the efforts of all the girl scouts you know.
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Rated: 4.41 | Views: 11,827 | Sent: 1,437
Smoking is one of the worst habits to have and one of the best ones to give up. On No Smoking Day, tell your near and dear ones to give up the bad habit and wish them all a healthy smoke-free time with these fun ecards.
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Rated: 4.00 | Views: 329,482 | Sent: 83,997
Purim (Mar 13 - 14)
It's Purim! The most joyous holiday of the Jewish people. So get into the festive mood and have a whole lot of merry making and feasting. Send colorful and cute ecards from our site to friends/ family/ loved ones to wish them a grand celebration.
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Rated: 3.74 | Views: 4,705K | Sent: 1,139K
Holi (Mar 14)
It's Holi... The festival of colors. It brings with it utmost joy and warmth, as it marks the beginning of spring. Holi spreads the message of harmony, friendship and goodwill. It also symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. Celebrate Holi with your friends, family, relatives and associates with our colorful Holi ecards.
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Rated: 4.69 | Views: 1,242 | Sent: 292
Hey, it's Bake a Pie Day! The perfect time to pamper your taste buds, bake yummy pies and share them with your near and dear ones. Send sweet ecards from our site to your friends/ family/ loved ones and wish them a great treat today.
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Rated: 4.27 | Views: 1,292 | Sent: 383
Hey, it's Potato Chip Day! Time for you to binge on your favorite potato chips. Add to the fun by reaching out to all your friends and loved ones with our cool ecards.
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Rated: 4.11 | Views: 279,391 | Sent: 63,013
Pi day is the perfect time to celebrate something that's as infinite as the value of pi, namely, your love for all those you care about. Reach out to them with our ecards and let the words speak out your feelings.
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Rated: 4.34 | Views: 204,483 | Sent: 34,899
Hey, it's Full Moon Day! Time to be romantic with your sweetheart with the moon glowing at its brightest in the sky. Don't forget to send a romantic ecard to your love.
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